- 戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)领导的英国政府绝对愿意站在站台上向他们挥手告别。
- David cameron 's british government is perfectly content to wave goodbye from the platform .
- 马萧配的竞选纲领就是改善两岸关系。
- The pair campaigned on a platform to improve cross-strait relations .
- 你要到对面的月台才对。
- You need to go to the opposite platform .
- 其特色是固体燃料炉,停车场,屋顶露台和淋浴。
- The features are a solid fuel stove , parking , roof terrace and showers .
- 房子围绕两个主要空间,有两个层高的门厅和阳台。
- The house revolves around two main spaces , the double height foyer and the terrace .
- 阁楼上,新的16英尺高的落地窗,创造出一种有阳台的感觉。
- In the attic , a new 16-foot-high window opens fully , creating the feel of a terrace .