- 在昨天晚上《地狱门》的开幕典礼上,日本总领事土屋润,谈到来自他的国家的影片对西方世界的影响。
- At last night 's opening of " gate of hell " jun tsuchiya , consul general of japan , spoke of the impact of films from his country on the western world .
- 英格兰队有一片争议声中离开了世界杯。
- England went out of the world cu amid great controversy .
- 每4美元的经济产出,就需要1立方米的水大致为世界平均水平的三倍。
- For every $ 4 of economic output , 1 cu m of water is required roughly three times the world average .
- 用於次世代无扩散阻绝层之高温稳定铜导线薄膜开发研究。
- Study of good thermal stability cu films for next generation diffusion barrier-free metallization .