- 但是17种鲨鱼中有10种都没有视锥细胞,其他7种鲨鱼也都只具有一种单一的视锥细胞。
- But no cone cells were observed in 10 of the 17 species , while only one type of cone cell appeared to be present in the other 7 .
- 在破碎设备中,圆锥破碎机是进行二次破碎的主流设备。
- Of the crushing plants , cone crusher is the popular and famous plants for secondary crushing .
- dsmac生产的锌矿石圆锥破碎机在印度的锌矿石破碎厂中帮助我们的客户获得了很大的利润厂。
- Dsmac zinc cone crusher has helped our customers make much profit in indiazinc ore crushing plant .
- 如今的牛仔裤大多越往下裤腿越小。
- Most jeans these days taper towards the ankle .
- 如果过去的指引对现在有意义,那这波行情在十月前会逐渐结束。
- If the past is of meaningful guidance , this wave will taper off before october .
- 重复这种操作方式以拆下两个开口锥孔。
- Proceed in this way to remove both split taper sockets .