- 利用改进的解释结构模型(MISM)建立细分结构关联约束矩阵,在此基础上结合有向图理论构建了对应的细分结构约束网络。
- By using the modified interpretative structural model ( MISM ) to establish correlation matrix of subdivision structure , which led to build the constraint net combined the graph theory .
- 文中把图论里Edmonds定理的树花容量扩展为最小复盖点,并得到了计算非偶图最小复盖点数的公式。
- In this paper the capacity of tree-flower in Edmonds theorem of graph theory is extended to minimum covering points and a computing formula of minimum covering points for non-dual graph is introduced .
- 这是用上幅图中同样的声音信号形成的线性图像,不同的是图像围成了一个环形。
- This is a song from the same species of whale as the previous linear graphs , but plotted circularly .
- 技术分析包括研究一段时间的股价走势图,从而预测股票未来的走势。
- Technical analysis involves studying graphs of stock movement over time as a way to predict future moves .
- twitter以及另一家相似的服务提供商friendfeed提供了极具竞争力的社交图。
- Twitter and another similar service , friendfeed , offer competing social graphs .