- 与所得税情况相同的还有国民保险税,它表面上是一项社会保险税,但实际上是一项附属工资所得税。
- Alongside income tax is a schedule of national-insurance contributions ( nics ) , ostensibly a social-insurance levy but in reality an auxiliary wage tax .
- 全文本着务实求新的原则,运用比较研究的方法,通过对各国遗产税法的研究,拟就我国遗产税立法中的若干问题进行探讨,力求建立适合我国国情的遗产税制度。
- The full text of gleaning principles with a pragmatic , using comparative study methods used by the national law of inheritance tax , in order to explore a number of issues in our national legislation of inheritance tax , and strive to establish inheritance tax system suitable for china 's national conditions .
- 安大略省雷湾的lakeheaduniversity的经济学家里维奥.马特欧(liviodimatteo)认为,美国通过国家一级的销售税和更高的燃油税解决它的预算问题,可能有很长的路要走。
- Livio di matteo , an economist at lakehead university in thunder bay , ont . , Believes the u. s.could go a long way toward solving its budget problems with a national sales tax and a fatter gasoline tax .