- 回忆一下boolean类型仅有2个值,true和false。
- Recall that there are only two values of type boolean : true and false .
- 领导艺术包括使员工和投资者相信,首席执行长具备一种叫做远见的东西,而这种乐观的错觉只有在首席执行长得到过度补偿、员工们学会不那么自私利己的情况下才会美梦成真。
- Leadership involves convincing employees and investors that the ceo has something called a vision , a type of optimistic hallucination that can come true only in an environment in which the ceo is massively overcompensated and the employees have learned to be less selfish .
- 我们也从来没有看到一款真正替代e型的车子。
- And we never got to see a true replacement for the e-type .