- 经济上的苦难助长了极端主义的发展。
- Economic hardship is feeding extremism .
- 艰难岁月由此而来。
- The result was great hardship .
- 包含人们艰难苦楚的故事数不胜数。
- There are innumerable stories of personal hardship .
- 余华以往小说多以冷漠的叙事风格和夸张变形的极端化倾向表现死亡、暴力和苦难。
- Yu hua usually used indifferent narration and exaggerated tendency towards extremity to showcase death , violence and tribulation in his previous novels .
- 磨难2011年,以色列的和平条约,世界宣布的巴勒斯坦国,结束的时候,以色列新闻。
- Tribulation 2011 , israel peace treaty , world to declare palestinian state , ends times , israel news .
- 生活的磨难锻炼了我的意志,喜欢蓝天大海,愿与相怡的朋友共叙人生。
- The life tribulation has exercised my will , likes the blue sky sea , is willing altogether to narrate the life with the joy friend .