- 我不确定前世回归是否是有助于精神安定和健康的有效工具。
- I 'm not sure whether past life regression is a useful tool for well-being and mental health .
- 比如马拉维,是一个正在经历缓慢民主倒退的多党制民主国家。
- Malawi , for example , is a multiparty democracy that is experiencing slow democratic regression .
- 虽然玛卡里斯库坚持认为这项运动在不断“发展”,但事实上这是一种倒退。
- Marculescu insisted the sport was " evolving " but in truth it is a regression .
- 我们不能依赖监管机构来预防金融危机的重演。
- We cannot depend on regulatory agencies to prevent a recurrence of financial crisis .
- 如果欧元区最强大的国家都拒绝承认此次危机的本质,那么欧元区既无望走出这场危机,也不可能防止危机重演。
- If the most powerful country in the eurozone refuses to recognise the nature of the crisis , the eurozone has no chance of either remedying it or preventing a recurrence .
- 此外,由于国际监管机构为防范金融危机重演制定了新的规则,银行业对杠杆的使用将受到限制。
- Banks , moreover , will be limited in their use of leverage under new rules drawn up by international regulators aimed at preventing a recurrence of the financial crisis .