- 她把包递给丹尼尔。
- She hands daniel the bag .
- 每个包里是一部电影。
- Each bag is for one movie .
- 花65加元买一袋鸡肉?
- $ 65 For a bag of chicken ?
- 你有一个男式钱包。
- You had a man purse .
- 或者是rita拿错了钱包?
- Or maybe rita grabbed the wrong purse ?
- 她全身只穿着一条白色的裤子,上身一丝不挂,除了肩上背着的手提包。
- She was wearing white pants and not much else besides a purse over her shoulder .
- 刚好可以放在我的口袋里。
- It fits right in my pocket .
- 在你遇到下雪天前确保它们一直在你的装备袋里。
- Keep them in your pocket until you hit the snow .
- 他口袋中的手机铃声响起。
- The cell phone in his pocket rings .
- 只有14%的被调查者说她们觉得自己不会被解雇。
- Only 14 per cent said they felt safe from the sack .
- 而为了准备套袋赛跑,香港选手会把自己套在空米袋里到处蹦。
- To prepare for the sack race , santas jump around in empty rice bags .
- 如果他同意你的安排,就解雇资历最浅的那位。
- If he gets in line , sack the most junior person .
- 充气胶囊可以原封不动地回收,不需作任何改动就能够重复使用。
- The capsule was retrieved intact and it can be reused without any modifications .
- 它简直就是一个配备了ip电话的装甲太空舱。
- It is actually an armored capsule with ip telephony .
- 经过重整后,探测器太空舱的内容物将会被送回日本进行分析。
- After recovery , the contents of the capsule are to be moved to japan for analysis .
- 感染持续几年不加治疗会恶化成致命性肠道出血或膀胱癌。
- Infections that go untreated for years can lead to fatal intestinal bleeding or bladder cancer .
- 膀胱置管引流减少三角区牵张,并改善上尿路引流。
- Catheter drainage of the bladder relieves trigonal stretch and improves drainage from the upper tract .
- 凯格尔运动能够强壮盆底的肌肉,更好地承托子宫、膀胱和肠道器官。
- Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which support the uterus bladder and bowel .