- 展现自信的风采,而不要过于自大。
- Shows confidence without being overly arrogant .
- 显然,这是一个傲慢的回答。
- Obviously , that 's an arrogant reply .
- 其实当你拼命作出分析的时候,你是极其自大的。
- When you analyze something to death you are being extremely arrogant .
- 然而,一些金融顾问警告这张美元在华尔街所引起的猖獗的投机热潮。
- However , some financial advisers are warning against the rampant speculation the dollar has caused on wall street .
- 他指出,日本企业在当地法庭难以打赢官司,还遭遇猖獗的知识产权侵权。
- Citing the difficulty they faced winning cases in local courts and rampant intellectual property abuse .
- 投机行为猖獗的第27次太阳谷会议上,有公司可能会想收购twitter。
- Speculation is running rampant at the 27th sun valley conference over which company might want to buy twitter .
- 为什么我们在网上如此咄咄逼人呢?
- Why are we often so aggressive online ?
- 那个女子被一位勇士或是国王的灵魂附体,使她变得十分好斗。
- She had been possessed by a warrior or king spirit , which made her very aggressive .
- 因高价石油而富裕的俄罗斯,变得对内更加独裁,而对外更加好斗。
- Russia , enriched by high oil prices , is becoming more authoritarian at home and aggressive abroad .