- 带着嘶哑的嗓音,他呼吁群众“生生世世谨记”这个夜晚。
- Hoarse of voice , he urged the crowds to " remember all your lives " this night .
- 正如他所说,他的嗓子有点沙哑,但他唱得已经够好了,慷慨激昂的旋律介于“clementine”和“lacucuracha”之间。
- As he had said , his voice was hoarse , but he sang well enough , and it was a stirring tune , something between ' clementine ' and ' la cucuracha ' .
- 她坦言她滥用可卡因,大麻和药丸,她曾经纯洁的声线变得沙哑和粗糙,不能够再像她全胜时期那样唱出高音阶。
- She confessed to abusing cocaine , marijuana and pills , and her once pristine voice became raspy and hoarse , unable to hit the high notes as she had during her prime .
- 一声沙哑的古巴语划过黑夜,丰富而又激情的曲调盖过了节奏强烈的敲鼓声。
- A husky cuban voice belted into the night , rich and sensuous over the rhythmic drumming .
- 他的声音是生硬沙哑的男高音部,增加了他带给人的暴躁印象。
- His speaking voice , a gruff husky tenor , added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed .
- 在外面,在被宝石装饰得像蜻蜓一样的走廊下,一些人影在用沙哑的语言交谈,然后回去参加音乐会。
- Outside , beneath a portico jewelled as a dragonfly , silhouettes talked in a husky language then returned to the concert within .