- 名义上廉价还是实际上昂贵?
- Nominally cheap or really dear ?
- 亲爱的同学,你准备好了吗?
- My dear students , are you ready ?
- 亲爱的上帝---请恢复服务!
- Dear god please restore service !
- 而成功的运用彩虹色调的空间中应该有中性色调做辅助,另外配以“讨人喜爱”的图案创造出极具现代感的设计。
- The most successful rainbow spaces limit clutter , reserve some areas of the room for neutral tones , and favor modern design over " cutesy " motifs .
- 当奢华品牌走可爱风时,情况完全不同,因为这些惹人爱的产品标价通常令人心情郁闷。
- When luxury brands get all cutesy , it 's a completely different story because the adorable products usually come with depressing price tags .
- 据出版商透露,娇媚的漫画封面本来是为了吸引更多的职业男性而不是女性。
- According to the publisher , the cutesy manga cover was aimed more at attracting salarymen than women .