- 然而本周一,王室的热门新闻突然之间从王室发型转变为了王室继承人。
- But on monday , the story shifted suddenly from royal hair to royal heir .
- 在很多方面,mrcuomo被神化,被选定成了王位继承人。
- In many ways mr cuomo is the anointed heir at last ascending to the throne .
- 周六是金正恩的生日,他是朝鲜现任领导人金正日的儿子以及公开的继承人。
- Saturday was the birthday of current leader kim jong-il 's son and heir apparent , kim jong-un .
- 斯图亚特女士是混血儿,是一名非洲奴隶和一名英格兰奴隶主的后代。
- Ms stuart is the mixed-race descendant of both an african slave and an english slave owner .
- 但是卡保要取其他人为妻,因为一个上层社会的英国男人根本不可能和一个农民的后裔、一个交际花结婚。
- But capel would take someone else as a wife . An upper-class englishman could hardly marry a descendant of peasants - a courtesan .
- 他的科摩罗人特征逃匿的奴隶和海盗的后代使得他能够在南索马里的巴朱尼人中藏匿。
- His comorian features-a descendant of runaway slaves and pirates-allowed him to hide himself among the bajuni people of south somalia .
- 谦恭温顺者或许会继承大地。
- The meek may inherit the earth .
- 也许只有儿子可以继承土地。
- Perhaps only sons may inherit land .
- 我只是希望我儿子没有继承她的那张嘴。
- I just hope laszlo didn 't inherit her mouth .
- plantwatch阿尔伯塔地区协调人,伊丽莎白.博宾告诉cbc新闻,该组织正在关注植物应对气候变化的生长模式。
- Elisabeth beaubien , alberta co-ordinator of plantwatch , tells cbc news that the group is looking at how plants are responding to climate change .
- 央行新闻-育鲑鱼捕捞季节通常开始于7月中旬。
- Cbc news - the yukon salmon fishing season usually starts in mid-july .
- 第29条本法所定之罚锾,由财政部处罚之。但第二十六条第六款之处罚,由中央银行为之。
- Article 29 fines as specified herein shall be levied by the mof . Nonetheless , for fines specified under paragraph 6 of article 26 hereof , the cbc shall have final authority .