- 自发的罢工和喧闹的示威已经影响到某些地区。
- Already , wildcat strikes and noisy demonstrations have disrupted several regions .
- 球员应能够应对嘈杂的体育场内各种令人分心的事物。
- Players need to be able to handle distractions in a noisy stadium environment .
- 我喜欢在晚上很晚的时候,人们还可以有喧闹的聚会。
- I love that people can have noisy parties until very late into the night .
- 但倘若金钱是唯一考虑因素的话,许博士可能不会在这里。
- But were money the only issue , dr. xu might not be here .
- 许博士说,这里是他的两大实验老鼠生产基地。
- And here , dr. xu said , are his two homes for lab rats .
- 同时,许博士也在自己的职权之内,监督了令人印象深刻的新技术的开发。
- At the same time , dr. xu has overseen the development of impressive new technology in its own right .