- 我很高兴恢复我的名誉体面,我又可以在同胞面前挺起腰板来了。
- I am happy to recover my moral dignity , and I can once more walk erect before my fellowman .
- 她每天焦急地等待着散步的钟点,她遇见马吕斯,感到说不出的快乐,当她对冉阿让这样说时,自以为确实表达了自己的全部思想:“这卢森堡公园真是个美妙的地方!”
- Every day , she looked forward to the hour for their walk with impatience , she found marius there , she felt herself unspeakably happy , and thought in all sincerity that she was expressing her whole thought when she said to jean valjean : -- " what a delicious garden that luxembourg is ! "
- 一个人能自己行走不需拐杖和带路人的时候是幸福的。
- A man is never so happy as when he suffices to himself , and can walk without crutches or a guide .