- 学术界主流意见一直认为在这对关系中仁居于主导地位。
- The main view in the academic circle is always that " benevolence " takes the dominant position in the relationship .
- 要施这个最大的仁政,就要有牺牲,就要用钱,就要多收些农业税。
- To carry out this policy of maximum benevolence sacrifices had to be made , money spent and more collected in agricultural tax .
- 酸枣仁能抑制中枢神经系统,有较恒定的镇静作用。
- Wild jujube benevolence can control central nervous system , have more constant composed effect .
- 他的善赐予并帮助世人;他的仁慈抚慰并治愈世人。
- God 's goodness will help ; god 's mercy will heal .
- 但是她走了,祈祷上帝慈悲,能让我有朝一日能再次与她相聚。
- But she is gone , and pray god I may one day through his mercy rejoin her .
- 世人匍匐在下,他们大声请求怜悯,嚎叫声使我的耳朵发痒。
- The mortals down below , their screams for mercy would itch my ears .
- 肉畜得到所有的善良度字典已很是不成制止来自。
- Livestock the kindhearted degree dictionary getting possessions is already very inevitable come from .
- 我梦想着成为一个好心人.
- This dream is that I want to become a kindhearted man .
- 仁爱观是伊斯兰伦理思想中的基本观念。
- The kindhearted view is the basic concept of islam .