- 阿根廷卡塔马卡:一群小羊驼在lagunacaro附近吃草(路透社enriquemarcarian/reuters)。
- Catamarca , argentina : a herd of vicunas graze near the laguna caro photograph : enrique marcarian / reuters
- 撒普允许他的牛群在草甸上吃草,但同时尊重这片森林的壮观景色而领导了反对该地区伐木的早期斗争。
- Tharp allowed his cattle to graze the meadow , but at the same time had a respect for the grandeur of the forest and led early battles against logging in the area .
- 一群鹅在什罗普山坡放牧这群自由放养的鹅准备在圣诞节在英国什鲁斯伯里上市。
- A flock of geese graze on a shropshire hillside as they are reared in their free-range environment for the christmas market in shrewsbury , england .
- 他修整完了整片草地。
- Then he finished cutting the grass .
- 干燥的草地因闪电燃烧。
- Lightning sets fire to dry grass .
- 微光在草地上轻柔地向前跳跃。
- Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass .
- 他修整完了整片草地。
- Then he finished cutting the grass .
- 干燥的草地因闪电燃烧。
- Lightning sets fire to dry grass .
- 微光在草地上轻柔地向前跳跃。
- Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass .