- 有一种更加微妙的方法可以衡量全球市场一体化的程度。
- There is a more subtle way of measuring the integration of global markets .
- 而我们则可以用面部动作来表达信息和进行微妙的交流。
- Whereas we can move our faces expressively and pick up on subtle communications .
- 有时候,腐败是微妙的,有时则很明显的。
- Sometimes the corruption is subtle ; sometimes it is blatant .
- 甚至那些十分深奥和专业的技术,如聚合连锁反应,都植根于原有的很多技术实践。
- Even abstruse and highly specialized technologies like polymerase chain reaction have their roots in the existing practices of other genres .
- 在加入美联储之前,格林斯潘经营着自己的经济咨询公司,在深奥的数据序列和统计方面积累了非凡的知识。
- Before joining the fed , he ran his own economic consultancy and developed a phenomenal knowledge of abstruse data series and statistics .
- 就经济政策的现实问题而言,凯恩斯倾向于运用常识,而非深奥的经济学理论。
- When it came to practical issues of economic policy , keynes preferred to appeal to common sense rather than abstruse economic theory .
- 最近对图坦卡蒙国王的木乃伊所作的ct扫描,显示了这个男孩国王生活中的很多有趣的新细节。
- Recent ct scans of the king tut mummy revealed intriguing new details about the boy king 's life .
- 从1922年发现图坦卡蒙法老以来,dna分析第一次用于识别这具埃及的王室木乃伊。
- Dna analysis was used to identify the first royal egyptian mummy since king tut in 1922 .
- 这座半身像是在埃及新王国时期(公元前1550到公元前1050年),大约在著名的古埃及法老拉美西斯和图特王时代雕刻而成的。
- The bust was carved during the new kingdom period , which ran between 1550 bc to 1050 bc . This was around the same time as famous egyptians ramesses and king tut .
- 当然,我们需要把“脱钩或再挂钩”整个概念放在合适的背景之下。
- Of course , the whole notion of " de or re - coupling " needs to be put into the appropriate context .
- 同时还涉及企业对美联储重新评估该计划的预期,以及对最终购买规模的预计。
- It also asks firms how often they anticipate the fed will re - evaluate the program , and to estimate its ultimate size .
- 大约在世纪之交,他永远告别了乐团,回到了利物浦,重新当起了职员,这次是在布斯航运公司。
- Around the turn of the century , he came off the road for good , re turned to liverpool , and resumed his old life as a clerk , this time with the booth shipping line .