- 但假如他们决定呷上一口,我们希望他们会写下心得评述。
- But if they do decide to take a sip , let us hope they post a review .
- 节约就是降低我们的期望值,节约也就是学会:与其从大杯中狼吞虎咽地喝,不如从小杯子里呷一口,并且享受其中!
- Frugality and thrift are about lowering our expectations , about learning to sip from a small cup - and enjoy it !
- 很多人都希望开创自己的网上被动业务,拥有被动收入,我们可以周游世界,在海滩上惬意地呷着饮料,最大限度地享受生活。
- We all want to create a passive online business that allows us to travel the world , sip drinks on the beach and enjoy life to its fullest .
- 克雷格和他的同事们计划在被炸药污染的土地上种草以吸收爆炸物。
- Craig and his colleagues plan to plant grasses in tnt contaminated soil to suck up the explosives .
- 他们用剪刀钳住水蛭,以一种特殊装置吸取水蛭唾液。
- They hold the leech with their scissors-vise and suck in its saliva with a special device .
- 通过把吸取能量和时间的习惯和想法替换成让你变得更富有成效的想法和习惯,可以阻止流失。
- Leaks can be plugged by replacing thoughts and habits that suck energy and time with ones that make you more productive .
- 我们在一家咖啡馆里喝着咖啡和一种颜色艳红的水果鸡尾酒。
- We are sipping coffee and garish red fruit cocktails in a cafe .
- 我的习惯经常是泡一杯绿茶,在我给任何我要写的文章列提纲的时候啜上一口。
- Mine is often making a cup of green tea and sipping it while I outline whatever I 'm going to work on .
- 雪很快就会堆积起来,然后我们只能在屋子里面缩成一团、哆嗦的喝着热巧克力、期盼来年夏天的到来。
- Soon enough the snow will be piling up and we 'll be huddled up inside sipping hot chocolate and longing for summer .
- 很快阿兰娜为我送来了饮料。
- Alana is soon back with my drink .
- 我每天早上都喝牛奶.
- I drink milk every morning .
- 与水混合的果汁是另一个清凉饮料。
- Fruit juice mixed with water is another refreshing drink .