- 算命先生必须具体创造性,因为预言术是一个冒险性很强的事情。
- Fortune-tellers had to be inventive because the art of prophecy was a risky business .
- 毕竟,重新打包债务这门技术属于神秘而复杂的金融领域,而把各类零部件运输到世界各地则是一项实实在在的体力活。
- After all , the art of repackaging debt is part of the arcane field of complex finance , while the business of shipping widgets round the world is a tangible , get-your-hands-dirty activity .
- 伴随着昨晚来自一家荷兰博物馆震惊的名画偷盗案,美国联邦调查局(fbi)艺术犯罪组创始人解释说盗窃名家名作其实是非常糟糕的计划。
- In the wake of last night 's epic theft from a dutch museum , the founder of the fbi 's art crimes team explains why stealing masterpieces is a terrible business plan .
- 这种生意实在是有利可图。
- The business was tremendously profitable .
- 企业信心也很高涨。
- Business sentiment is also strong .
- 经济萧条对企业不利。
- Depressions are bad for business .