- 宣读名单花了将近90分钟。
- The roll call took almost 90 minutes .
- 不谈他在文明进程名人榜上不可动摇的地位,我们为什么要在意这个好奇的、聪明的、被送进监狱的希腊人呢?
- Putting aside his unshakable position in the global roll-call of civilisation 's great and good , why should we care about this curious , clever , condemned greek ?
- 根据《经济学人》集团旗下的cqrollcall调查显示,最保守的民主党议员将投票反对最具自由派色彩的共和党议员。
- As it is , the most conservative democrat votes to the left of the most liberal republican , according to cq roll call , part of the economist group .
- 联赛委员会反驳称布鲁金未能及时制定出反映现代趋势的足总青训课程,但布鲁金坚称课程已制定完,只是职业联赛并未在招募教练员方面进行投资。
- The leagues argue that brooking has been slow to develop a modern generation of fa coaching courses ; he says the work has been done but the professional game has failed to invest in recruiting coaches .
- 足协希望为英格兰主教练法比奥卡佩罗在6月8日欧洲杯开幕以前提供四周的准备期,这意味着赛季最晚也要在5月13日星期天结束。
- The fa wants to provide england manager fabio capello with a four-week window before the euros start on june 8 , meaning the last day of the season can be no later than sunday , may 13 .
- 足总杯的半决赛将约60000名曼城、曼联球迷吸引到伦敦新温布利球场,几乎把这座城市变成了红色蓝色交织的海洋。
- The fa cup semi-final saw an estimated 60000 manchester city and manchester united fans descend on wembley and turn much of the capital blue and red .