- 上述两大举措均表明,在市场虚张声势之际,欧洲决意在最后的较量中获胜。
- Both measures show europe determined to win the showdown when markets called its bluff .
- 核恐吓较量中任何事都有可能发生
- Anything could happen in this game of nuclear bluff
- 事实上,外交是不是虚张声势,外交是74岁的枢机主教的优势。
- Indeed , diplomacy is not the bluff , 74-year-old cardinal 's strong point .
- 即便在冯建梅惨遭引产的事引起全国关注之后,地方官员仍在恫吓她家。
- Even after her plight had grabbed national attention , local officials had continued to intimidate her family .
- 如果莫斯科方面可以将格鲁吉亚的民选政府赶下台,那它也可以恫吓欧洲其他民主政府。
- If moscow can oust georgia 's democratically elected government , it can then intimidate other democratic european governments .
- 另一份为美国银行设计的建议书在法律上甚至更站不住脚,该组织在其中制定计划要渗入维基解密并恫吓其支持者。
- In a separate and even more legally dubious proposal intended for bank of america ( bac ) the group laid out a plan to infiltrate wikileaks and intimidate its supporters .