- 这些工资压力意味着危机前的五年增长迸发日本战后历史上最长的时期对普通家庭没有什么影响。
- These wage pressures meant that the country 's five-year growth spurt before the crisis-the longest in japan 's post-war history-had very little impact on the average household .
- 古代英国酒吧,啤酒实际不是存储在加压的酒桶中,饮用时打开旋钮自动就喷到玻璃杯中的,而是酒吧老板拉动巨大的手柄真正地把啤酒从地窖中的酒桶中抽出来。
- In real old english pubs the beer is not stored in pressurized kegs that spurt into the glass unaided.instead , the barkeep has to yank a sizable leaver to literally pull the beer up out of the cask in the cellar .
- 这是因为,今年增长的迸发在很大程度上要归因于公司重新增加库存的速度快于他们的估计。
- This was because a good part of this year 's growth spurt was attributable to firms replenishing their inventories sooner than had been expected .
- 给它快快喷一喷。
- Give it a quick squirt .
- 我常认为他是一个可爱的人.
- I always thought he was a squirt .
- 像你这样的海鞘怎么还会有人和你谈恋爱。
- How come a spineless sea squirt like you has a date .