- 传说伏虎尊者所住的寺庙外,经常有猛虎因肚子饿长哮,伏虎尊者把自己的饭食分给这只老虎,时间一长了猛虎就被他降服了,常和他一起玩耍,故又称他为「伏虎罗汉」。
- Outside because the fable crouching tiger revering temple , had the brave fighter frequently the belly hungry long heavy breathing , crouching tiger revering apportions own food this tiger , a time brave fighter has been surrendered steadily by him , often together played with him , therefore said that he was the crouching tiger arhat .
- 其诊断要点是:持续性咳嗽,喘息或胸部听诊有哆音或哮鸣音;x射线胸片有肺部浸润并经常迁移;外周血或肺活检标本可见人量嗜酸细胞。
- Its diagnosis main point is : the long-enduring cough , pants for breath either the chest auscultation has duo the sound or the heavy breathing calls the sound ; the x-ray sternum has the lungs infiltration and migrates frequently ; the circumference blood or the lung biopsy specimen obvious person measures the oxyphil .
- 你能通过深呼吸可以完全得到放松。
- You can achieve total relaxation by using heavy breathing .
- 再一次的,新一轮的喘息带动了市场的回暖。
- Yet again , a new wheeze sparked a market rally .
- 经典症状为呼气时发出喘息声或鸣哨音(猫喘音样的)
- A wheeze or whistling ( purring ) sound on breathing out is the classic symptom
- 然而不久前,这些短跑运动员开始频频喘气了。
- Lately , though , the sprinters have started to wheeze .
- 突然,另外一阵嚎叫从远处传来,是沼泽深处。
- Suddenly , another howl emerges from far away , deep in the bog .
- 许多评论家的反应是愤怒的嚎叫。
- The reaction from many commentators was a howl of outrage .
- 猴子在丛林遮天蔽日的头顶上嗥叫,疲惫不堪的陆军中尉一点也不隐瞒自己的挫败感。
- As monkeys howl in the jungle canopy above , a weary congolese army lieutenant makes no secret of his frustration .