- 辞赋的许多特点都来源于巫祭活动的仪式和咒语,这不仅直接影响了辞赋的源,也影响了辞赋的流。
- Many features of ci fu originated from the wizard sacrificial rites and the incantation , which both directly influence the origin and the schools of ci fu .
- 有人说柏拉图的永恒也是柏拉图的咒。
- Somebody said platonic eternality is also a platonic incantation .
- 减少治疗魔法施咒时间。
- Reduces the incantation time of the healing spell .
- 除了能预见的经济停滞,日本经济的其他两个诅咒就是债务和通货紧缩。
- Besides supposed stagnation , the two other curses of the japanese economy are debt and deflation .
- 在一场堪称近几十年以来世界上最严重的自然灾害面前,经历了众多诅咒般的磨难的巴基斯坦就像世界上的任何地方一样表现的措手不及。
- Labouring under so many curses , pakistan is as ill-equipped as anywhere to deal with one of the most far-reaching natural disasters the world has seen for decades .
- 和众多其他国家一样,该国正在全球化的福泽与诅咒中挣扎,试图在向繁荣昌盛敞开大门的同时保存自己的传统。
- It is grappling , like most other countries , with the boons and curses of globalisation , trying to preserve its own traditions while opening its doors to prosperity .
- 祈求您,再多帮助她们一些吧.
- Imprecation you , help them more again some .
- 在分析法治和主体的概念后,发现法治和主体的本质是契合的,都是以自由为最高的祈求和永恒的目标。
- After analyzing the concepts of rule by law and subject , the paper discovers that the true nature of two concepts are consistent . Those all regard freedom as the highest imprecation and the eternity target .
- 王子被巫婆施了魔法而变成野兽的模样,只有他在玫瑰花凋谢之前,学会爱别人和被别人爱,才能打破巫婆的咒语。
- The prince was changed into a beast by a witch , and he can 't break the imprecation unless he learn to love others and be loved before the rose withere away .