
n.马来群岛(的)( Malaysian的名词复数 );马来西亚(的)
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- Cumulatively , 2 million malaysians migrated , this figure is close to the number of indonesian workers in malaysia today .
- 累积下来,已经有超过200万大马人移民,接近今天印尼外劳在大马的人口。
- That won 't matter to his acolytes , but at 64 he also seems a distant and untrustworthy figure to many younger malaysians .
- 这对于他的忠实信徒来说当然没什么,但对于马来西亚的年轻一代来说,已经64岁的他也确实略显苍老,并不是完全值得依赖。
- British colonial rule , which had come to an end just a few years before , is now ancient history to most singaporeans and malaysians , born since independence .
- 英国的殖民地统治在几年前就已结束,对于大部分独立后出生的新加坡和马来西亚人来说,早已是久远的历史。
- Both malaysians are jgc employees , the ministry said , adding that three other malaysians were safe and were being transferred to the capital , algiers .
- 该外交部说,这两人都是日挥株式会社的员工,还说另外三名马来西亚人已安全,正被转移至阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔。
- But fu said malaysians must be educated to tell the difference between truth and lies on the internet .
- 不过,胡亚桥表示,马来西亚人民必须被教导来明辨网路上的真实与谎言。
- Despite them having foul moods after their malaysian stocks were stolen from under their noses , they still managed to celebrate their leader 's birthday . And they did not blame anyone at all . Aren 't we malaysians a petty lot !
- 他们的马股被人从眼皮底下偷走,在这种很糟透的心情下,还替他们的领袖庆祝生日,也没有埋怨任何人,是不是显得我们有点小家子气呢?
- He also urged the demonstrators to think thoroughly about the consequences of demonstrations because malaysia 's prosperity today is the result of contributions of all malaysians and active construction during the past 41 years following its independence .
- 他也劝促参与示威的人士深思考虑示威行动所带来的后果,因为自马来西亚在41年前独立以来,全国人民努力为国家奉献,积极建设才有今日的繁荣。
- Such a light action does not befit the severity of the transgression , as the utusan 's irresponsible reporting has caused much confusion and incited racial and religious misgivings amongst malaysians .
- 如此轻微的对付行动完全与不符合《前锋报》所犯下的罪行,《前锋报》那种不负责任的报道已经导致混乱,挑起了马来西亚人民之间的种族与宗教猜疑情绪。
- At least singaporeans do not make things difficult for us . This is something malaysians are not capable of doing . We are luckier than the singaporeans in malaysia .
- 至少新加坡没有为难我们,我们比起在马来西亚的新加坡公民幸运多了,这是马来西亚所做不到的。
- Dap secretary-general lim guan eng is to seriously look into the plights of marginalized indians and malaysians who are sidelined from main stream development and to take immediate actions to protect them and share the wealth the country .
- 民主行动党民主行动党秘书长林冠英刻正研究被边缘化的印裔同胞及马来西亚人的恶劣处境,这些国人必须纳入主流建设,同时也必须采取即刻措施给他们带来保障,共享国家财富。