- 无人驾驶飞机也必须能够在紧急的时候采取自主行动。
- A pilotless plane must also be able to act autonomously in an emergency .
- 其中一个教训是建造多个截止阀以阻止井喷,在紧急事件中多个剪切设备将喷油管挤压并组织原油喷出,而深水地平线只有一个,现在海湾中1/3的平台都有两个。
- One lesson might be to build blowout preventers with more than one blind shear ram . In an emergency , the massive blades of these devices slice through the drill pipe to cut off the flow of gushing oil . The deepwater horizon had just one , while a third of the rigs in the gulf now have two .
- 你是否知道有一种热带水果可以在紧急治疗中替代iv流体给人注射?
- Did you know that one tropical fruit can be used as a substitute for iv fluid in an emergency ?