- 希腊用尽全力来释放其僵化经济体的活力。
- Greece is trying hard to free up its rigid economy .
- 为了实现这个梦想,我遵循着一套严格的时间表。
- In order to realize this dream I keep a rigid schedule .
- 英国采取了一个非常僵化的态度。
- Britain has taken a very rigid attitude .
- 你能感觉到有多枯燥和乏味吗?
- How dull and boring can you get ?
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 总得有人来确保完成那些枯燥但必需的工作。
- Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done .
- 许多人将受到严厉的刑罚和巨额罚款。
- Many received stiff sentences and large fines .
- 很多挪威人认为,精神正常的裁决和一个严厉的服刑判决是正确的结果。
- Many norwegians think a verdict of sanity and a stiff prison sentence are the correct outcome .
- 要想提供此类融资,除了需要在改革问题上制定严厉的规定,在成本方面也必须可控。
- Such finance must be offered on manageable conditions in terms of the cost but stiff requirements in terms of the reforms .
- 婚后的生活会变得乏味。
- Married life can become boring .
- 现实再次证明一切都令人乏味。
- Reality has proved reassuringly boring .
- 乏味的确意味着兴趣狭窄。
- What boring does mean is narrow .