- 为了保持健康,我们无需跑马拉松,无需挥汗如雨地骑自行车锻炼,无需测量摄取氧气的峰值。
- To achieve the latter , she explains , we don 't need to run marathons , sweat it out on exercise bikes or measure our peak oxygen uptake .
- 不同钾肥用量和品种对结球甘蓝产量品质和养分吸收的影响。
- Effects of different k rates and sources on yield quality and nutrient uptake of cabbage .
- 尽管萨米恩托指出海洋的自然吸收逐渐减少,科学家们还是一直在设法寻找一种提高海洋的碳食欲的方法。
- Although as sarmiento points out the ocean 's natural uptake is dwindling , scientists have tried to find a way to give a boost to its carbon appetite .
- 这类型家长需要时间吸收这消息。
- They may take time to absorb the news .
- 那些拥有大到足以承受利润冲击的缓冲器的企业将胜出。
- Those firms with big enough buffers to absorb the hit to profits will win .
- 一些国家从吸收国外专门技能要比其他国家更快。
- Some absorb know-how from abroad quicker than others .
- 格雷菲尔德必须努力让这个斯堪迪纳维亚证交所的技术、员工和文化为纳斯达克所同化。
- Mr greifeld must try to assimilate the technology , staff and culture of the scandinavian exchange with the us bourse .
- 说着不同的语言或者拒绝被统一标准同化是不行的。
- Speaking a minority dialect or refusing to assimilate to a standard wouldn 't do .
- 但是考虑到操作人员费力地理解机器人传感器收集到的信息的事实,我们似乎需要更多机器人自身的决策。
- But as human operators struggle to assimilate the information collected by robotic sensors , decision-making by robots seems likely to increase .
- 这项研究没有发现女人摄入类黄酮有相似的联系。
- The study found no similar link for total flavonoid intake in women .
- 患有慢性肾病的人可能需要对钾的摄入量有所限制。
- People with chronic kidney disease may need to limit potassium intake .
- 食用碘盐是确保碘摄入的简单而有效的方法。
- Salt-iodisation is a simple cost-effective way of ensuring adequate iodine intake .