- 好车吸引着漂亮的女人们!
- Good cars attract beautiful ladies !
- 你想要吸引哪一人群?
- Who do you want to attract ?
- 嗯,有一样,它们引起了非常多的关注。
- Well , for one , they attract quite a lot of attention .
- 她能把独立人士吸引回来吗?
- Would she draw independents back ?
- 把你的想法画出来吧!
- Draw your thoughts of course !
- 它们会吸引别人的注意力并且经常没有机会用。
- They draw attention and often prove unnecessary .
- 人人都在准备分享公共wi-fi节约成本,因为小气的公众将会被吸引到能提供“免费”wi-fi的各个场所。
- Everyone is going to share the cost of public wi-fi because the penny-pinching public will gravitate to places that offer " free " wi-fi .
- 拉贾帕克萨说,该国旅游业正在发展,印度游客被吸引到和平的斯里兰卡,而且欧洲游客,尤其是北欧游客的兴趣上升。
- Tourism is growing in his country , as indian travelers gravitate to a peaceful sri lanka , and interest among european tourists -- particularly scandinavians -- picks up , mr. rajapaksa said .
- 在伦敦这样的城市里,总是有大量无法完全确认的精神错乱者在街头游荡,这些人往往会被吸引到书店里来,因为书店是少数几个可以逗留很长时间而又用不着花费半个子儿的地方之一。
- In a town like london there are always plenty of not quite certifiable lunatics walking the streets , and they tend to gravitate towards bookshops , because a bookshop is one of the few places where you can hang about for a long time without spending any money .
- 不管是威廉-特纳所画的冰雪奇景,还是弗兰兹-舒伯特的“冬”之套曲,每年这个寒冷的季节仍旧继续吸引着作家,艺术家和音乐家们。
- Whether it is the icy landscapes of j.m.w. turner 's paintings or franz schubert 's " winterreisse " song cycle , the chillier aspects of the year continue to fascinate writers , artists and musicians .
- 旧金山-如果你想通过谷歌的android软件驱动的智能手机,你可以得到摩托罗拉的droid2或它的近亲,对droidx,则有来自宏达droid的不可思议,吸引和三星以及lg同盟。
- San francisco - if you want a smartphone powered by google 's android software , you could get motorola 's droid 2 or its cousin , the droid x. then there is the droid incredible from htc , the fascinate from samsung and the ally from lg .
- 一些修道士酿造的比利时啤酒深深地吸引了我。
- It 's a belgium beer brewed by monks who absolutely fascinate me .