- 当希腊像一个贪得无厌的人一样,吞噬葡萄牙时,希腊几乎没有出现在与之相关的一切报道中。
- Greece is barely out of the news , when , like vultures , they move on to devour portugal .
- 这是最新的信号,随着这些科技公司发明的应用越来越酷,他们不仅要用光带宽他们要吞噬掉这些带宽。
- It 's the latest reminder that as technology companies invent cooler and cooler applications , they won 't just eat up bandwidth-they 'll devour it .
- 我上六年级的时候,午饭后我能从湖中打一网白斑,清洗干净,滚上面包屑,用黄油炸了狼吞虎咽地在日落前就把它们吃光。
- By the time I was in sixth grade , I could yank a batch of walleye from a lake after lunch , clean them , roll them in breadcrumbs , fry them in butter and devour them before sunset .
- 布什想用联邦公帑为重大的保守主义改革裹上糖衣以令国会将其吞下。
- The idea was to get congress to swallow serious conservative reforms by sugaring them with federal cash .
- 咽下自己的骄傲和承认一些事情本身就是不容易的。
- Its never easy to swallow your pride and admit to screwing something up .
- 这不应该是让亚洲吞下的一颗“苦丸”,尤其是如果另一条出路是全球持续衰退的话。
- This should not be a bitter pill for the region to swallow , especially when the alternative is a prolonged world recession .
- 自从欧洲主权债务危机开始,欧元区的政策制定者就一直担心先后侵袭希腊,爱尔兰和葡萄牙的动荡会进一步席卷更大的经济体。
- Ever since europe 's sovereign-debt saga began , euro-area policymakers have feared that the turmoil afflicting first greece , and then ireland and portugal , would engulf larger economies .
- 但是希腊已在巨大的债务负担下摇摇欲坠,而且它的麻烦可能吞噬其他国家。
- But greece was reeling under its huge burden , and its woes were threatening to engulf other countries .
- 但是如果危机席卷全球,那么这样的跳跃,将是许多人愿意尝试的。
- But if a crisis does engulf the world , that may be a leap some are willing to make .