- 布什想用联邦公帑为重大的保守主义改革裹上糖衣以令国会将其吞下。
- The idea was to get congress to swallow serious conservative reforms by sugaring them with federal cash .
- 咽下自己的骄傲和承认一些事情本身就是不容易的。
- Its never easy to swallow your pride and admit to screwing something up .
- 这不应该是让亚洲吞下的一颗“苦丸”,尤其是如果另一条出路是全球持续衰退的话。
- This should not be a bitter pill for the region to swallow , especially when the alternative is a prolonged world recession .
- 针刺联合吞咽训练法治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍的疗效观察。
- Observation of combination of acupuncture and deglutition training on deglutition obstacle post-cerebral apoplexy .
- 无论如何,有关它们的吞咽和发声动作的生理学显然尚未被研究。
- At any rate , the physiology of their movements in deglutition and phonation has apparently not been investigated .
- 因此,假如感觉似乎有食物卡住了食管,或者觉得吞咽唾液困难,那么应该去看医生。
- Accordingly , if the feeling seems to food blocked esophagus , perhaps feel deglutition saliva is difficult , should see a doctor so .
- 我给她一个愚蠢的脸,我的啤酒吞下。
- I give her a silly face and gulp down my beer .
- 她能一口吞下整个东西,就像一个美丽的怪物,同时,她降临到了这个城市。
- He downed the whole thing in one efficient gulp , like a beautiful monster and took off into the city .
- 她微微咽了一口气。
- She gave a little gulp .