- 那么帝王蝶受到威胁是真的吗?
- So is the monarch butterfly threat real ?
- 录音技术让每个人都成为帝王。
- Recording technology has made a monarch of everyone .
- 上百万只帝王蝶附着在墨西哥丛林的树上。
- Monarch butterflies clump by the millions on oyamel trees in mexican forests .
- 君主或新首相交谈过欢了吗?
- Was either sovereign or new pm banging on a bit ?
- 从封建时代起,臣民们就希望向君主请愿能起到非常好的效果。
- Since feudal days , subjects have hoped that petitioning the sovereign can have great effects .
- 罗格的身份是新近的皇家维多利亚勋章得主,而这一勋章完全由君主颁发。
- Such was logue 's status that he had just heen made a member of the royal victorian order , an appointment entirely in the gift of the sovereign .
- 老绅士高兴地大声说。
- Cried the old gentleman happily .
- 团里有一个形容枯槁的绅士很明显是代表团的团长。
- There was a wizened gentleman among them who was clearly the leader .
- 最后,她站了起来,结果发现大家都走了,只有一个好心的先生留下来帮她。
- Eventually she rose to see that everyone was gone and only one kind gentleman was left to help her .
- 未来资产证券(miraeassetsecurities)分析师关荣乐(gordonkwan)表示:“这是一个他们真心想进入的领域。”
- " This is the one area that they seriously want to get into , " said gordon kwan , analyst at mirae asset securities .
- 我是被斯塔尔打败的库安。
- L am kwan who was defeated by star .
- 艺群国术体育会有限公司注册信息。
- Ngai kwan martial art sports association limited registered information .
- 耶和华膏你作为以色列的王。
- The lord anointed you king over israel .
- 你对饺子王是什么看法?
- What do you think of dumpling king ?
- 国王的船有没有失事?
- Has the king been shipwrecked ?