- 最高法院法官克拉伦斯.托马斯也是我的同班同学,但我一直没有机会与他结识。
- Supreme court justice clarence thomas was a classmate too but I never got to know him .
- 因为要表达自己以及让其他人明白自己的意思那么困难,即使跟同班同学聊天都令人沮丧,充满了压力。
- Because it 's so hard to express themselves and for others to understand them , just talking with a classmate becomes stressful and frustrating .
- 曾经烹饪学校一位来自意大利的令人生畏的主厨讲师给我及同班同学马克斯布置了一次作业,那就是午餐做意大利调味饭。
- A fearsome chef-instructor at a cooking school in italy once gave an assignment to me and my classmate max to make risotto for lunch .