- 一个男子紧紧抓住一大串香蕉,而另一个人则抓住了一根木头,由于一个巨浪打来,他失去了九岁的儿子。
- One man clung to a bunch of bananas , while another , who was hanging on to a piece of wood , lost his nine-year-old son when they were hit by a big wave .
- 今天我在饭店里不小心把手机掉到了桌子下面,我还没来得及去捡,一个又肥又臭,肚子上的毛都从衬衫里露出来的老男人就钻进桌子底下“帮我捡”。
- Today , at a diner , I dropped my cell phone , right under the table . Before I had a chance to reach for it , some fat smelly old man with half his hairy belly hanging out of his shirt dived under the the table to " get it for me . "
- 考虑到自己极少公开露面,他很提防公众会揪住他的话不放可是他关于人类是否应该回到月球的意见和他以前的宇航员同事的意见并不相符。
- Given the infrequency of his public appearances , he is wary that the world will be hanging on his words - but his opinion about whether man should go back to the moon is at odds with that of his former crewmates .
- 在他六月份去意大利的外交之旅中,他胸前挂了一幅很显眼的图片,那是在1931年被意大利殖民者绞死的一个利比亚的抗敌战士。
- During a diplomatic trip to italy in june , he prominently pinned to his chest a picture of a libyan resistance fighter who was hanged by italian colonialists in 1931 .
- 仅仅在1988年夏季,就有5000名政治犯在最高领袖霍梅尼(ayatollahkhomeini)签发的直接诛杀令下被绞死或被行刑队枪毙。
- During the summer of 1988 alone , 5000 political prisoners were hanged from cranes or shot by firing squad under a direct fatwa issued by ayatollah khomeini , the supreme leader .
- 卡扎菲在罗马走下飞机时带着奥马尔的相片,一个利比亚抵抗运动首领,在1931年被意大利殖民者绞死。
- Qaddafi stepped off his airplane in rome with a photo pinned to his chest of omar mukhtar , a libyan resistance leader who was hanged by italian colonialists in 1931 .