- 凡订明罪犯在被判处监禁或罚款时须自签担保及觅人担保,以保证遵守法纪及履行其它条件,或作出任何此等事情,则裁判官可免除任何此等订明的规定或其任何部分。
- " Where in the case either of imprisonment or a fine there is prescribed a requirement for the offender to enter into his recognizance and to find sureties for keeping the peace and observing some other condition , or to do any of such things , the magistrate may dispense with any requirement or any part thereof . "
- 我们在从艺术到职业电子竞技再到极限运动等很多领域都发现了这种现象,人们在这些领域中努力做着以前从来没有人去做的事。
- We 've observed this phenomenon in many fields , from the arts to professional gaming to extreme sports -- fields where people are striving to do things that have never been done before .
- 要看在什么地方了,美容师除做美容外还会向顾客推荐产品,从中拿提成.
- Where to look , and beauticians , beauty except to do things will also recommend products to customers , from taking commission .