- 我靠朋友的接济解决吃饭问题。
- I depended on friends to eat .
- 他在悉尼时都去哪儿吃饭呢?
- Where does he eat when he 's there ?
- 吃饭之前,做一个简单的比较。
- Before you eat , do a simple comparison .
- 需要时服用一大汤匙。
- Take 1 tablespoon as needed .
- 这可以采取不同的形式。
- This can take different forms .
- 拿雷蒙德威廉姆斯的案子来说。
- Take the case of raymond williams .
- 当地人说他们受到连坐的惩罚。
- Locals say they suffer collective punishment .
- 大多数民族运动遭受过丑闻。
- Most national sports suffer scandals .
- 麦肯锡似乎并不会遭受任何即时损失。
- Mckinsey is unlikely to suffer any immediate disaster .
- 这类型家长需要时间吸收这消息。
- They may take time to absorb the news .
- 那些拥有大到足以承受利润冲击的缓冲器的企业将胜出。
- Those firms with big enough buffers to absorb the hit to profits will win .
- 一些国家从吸收国外专门技能要比其他国家更快。
- Some absorb know-how from abroad quicker than others .