- 但她会分享自己的facebook密码吗?
- But will she share her facebook password ?
- 他还说出了自己的电脑密码。
- He also disclosed his computer password .
- 不要所有地方都用一个密码。
- Don 't use the same password for everything .
- 从命令中行中接收打印的输入。
- Printing from the command line .
- 麦克里斯托最近接过了美军在阿富汗的指挥权。
- Gen. mcchrystal recently took command in afghanistan .
- 奥巴马总统授权它们在北约指挥下再展风采。
- Mr. obama should authorize them to fly again under nato command .
- 总统,国民议会应呈请国王和皇家副署命令。
- The president of the national assembly shall present the petition to the king and countersign the royal command .
- 尽管人事部门可保持出勤纪录及副署终止行动,这并不意味着它是控制员工缺勤终止违例。
- Although the personnel department may maintain attendance records and countersign termination actions this does not mean that it is controlling absenteeism by terminating offending employees .
- 严格按已确定的修理方案组织施工,不得降低和随意更改要求,保修工作完成后,单位主管部门与业主对修理效果进行联合验收并会签意见。
- It shall organize the construction strictly as per the determined repair plan and not lower and change the requirement , the competent department of unit shall conduct the joint inspection and acceptance and countersign opinion on the repair results together with the owner after the repair work is accomplished .