
lurking 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Lurking
lurking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I rarely go out alone . I often wonder if someone is lurking around the corner .
- 我很少独自出门,我经常会想是否有人潜藏在角落里。
- If you already have a mental health problem lurking , the lsd can occasionally cause quite severe psychological reactions .
- 如果你的精神健康已经存在潜藏的问题,lsd将有可能带来十分严重的精神反应。
- Lurking at digital camera resource 's forum has proven helpful enough , and I imagine posting your questions there would be helpful too .
- 潜藏在数码相机资源的论坛的信息已证明有益的够多了,我想发布您的问题也会有帮助。
- Cancer cells could be lurking unseen .
- 白血病细胞可能还隐藏着。
- So what story is lurking within that larger story ?
- 那么在那个较大故事背景下隐藏这什么故事呢?
- Lurking beside it were stick-thin dogs with whiplike tails .
- 躲在一旁的狗骨瘦如柴,尾巴细得像鞭子。
- It 's also difficult to know what germs are lurking in an airline 's pillows and blankets .
- 还有飞机上提供的枕头和毯子,也很难知道有哪些病菌藏在上面。
- Lurking at the edge of our galaxy are giant molecular dust clouds -- agglomerations of hydrogen gas , small organic molecules and minerals -- roughly 150 light-years across .
- 潜在的处于我们银河系的边缘是巨大的宇宙分子尘云氢气团,小的有机分子和矿物质大约有150光年那样宽。
- And you know what 's good lurking food ?
- 你知道蹲点必备消夜是啥不?
- He is like a lion that is eager to tear , and like a young lion lurking in hidden places .
- 他像狮子急要抓食,又像少壮狮子蹲伏在隐密处。