- 湖南省郴州市润发水暖器材直销分公司。
- Chenzhou city , hunan province brilliantine direct branch plumbing .
- 天津市静海县润发合线厂。
- Tianjin jinghai county hopewell brilliantine thread factory .
- 与此同时,建立在一个如盖茨比的财富般薄弱的根基之上的金融衍生市场,恰恰正是美国式的幻想和自欺的化身。
- Meanwhile , the derivatives market was the very embodiment of american fantasy and self-deception , built on as flimsy a foundation as gatsby 's wealth .
- 然而,最明显的障碍还是盖茨比本人。
- The most obvious hurdle , however , is gatsby himself .
- 像盖茨比这样的旁观者是美国民主制度下的典型为了取悦旁观者们,这种制度将个人意愿置于集体之上,甚至他们履不履行义务都无所谓。
- Outsiders like gatsby are quintessential figures of american democracy , a system designed to welcome outsiders by elevating individual will over group affiliation . They can redeem , but they can also unsettle .