- 能令男人发狂的女人肯定有独到的。
- The woman who can make a man go mad has affirmatively original .
- 有些公司从来不直接回答一个问题,他们总是故意给出各种冗长的说明,读来让人发疯。
- Some companies do not answer a question directly , they always give out intentionally all sorts of expatiatory specifications , read will let a person go mad .
- 少量的酒在蝎子会使它立即发疯将自己螫死。
- A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it go mad instantly and sting itself to death .
- 奥氮平治疗脑外伤后急性谵妄综合征的临床评价。
- Clinical evaluation of management of acute delirium after brain trauma with olanzapine .
- 儿科麻醉苏醒谵妄评分的开发和心理测量评估。
- Development and psychometric evaluation of the pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium scale .
- 胆碱功能的缺乏被假设为谵妄和认知下降的原因。
- Deficits in cholinergic function have been postulated to cause delirium and cognitive decline .