- 无论是由于企业的不成熟或是不规范,不管是小富即安带来的保守还是"无所不能"带来的冒进,都是民营企业做强做大的瓶颈和风险,限制着企业对于机会的把握,限制着企业从成功走向成功。
- The lack of maturity or standardization of the enterprise , or conservativeness from relatively comfort life , or aggressiveness from " omnipotence " , are all bottlenecks and risks against the development of private enterprises , which will prevent enterprises from grasping opportunities and striving for another success from present success .
- 我梦想着书有助于男女,不论贫富,悉或西奥斯,人间或写实找到根源都在自己的成功,所有幸福,大有作为,所有真相.
- And I dreamed of writing books which would help men and women , whether rich or poor , learned or unlearned , worldly or unworldly to find within themselves the source of all success , all happiness , accomplishment , all truth .
- 业内人士说,最重要的是,进入了成功孕育出更多成功的周期,facebook从中受益。
- Industry insiders say that , most of all , facebook is benefiting from a cycle where success breeds more success .