- 这些宇航员从水星、双子座飞行的那些先驱宇航员们的经历可知,他们的这次旅程会使他们成为名人。
- The astronauts knew from the experiences of their predecessors on the mercury and gemini flights that their trip would transform them into celebrities .
- 白羊座、射手座和双子座是富有冒险精神的星座,他们的确喜欢一个好的伴侣来陪他们一起经历。
- Aries , sagittarius , gemini are the adventurous signs and do like a good mate to keep them company along the way .
- 阿波罗号、双子座号及美国国家航空和宇宙航行局随后发送的所有飞船,包括航天飞机,都在用燃料电池。
- The apollo , gemini and all subsequent nasa missions , including the space shuttle , used fuel cells .