- 摘要目的探讨经桡动脉途径行冠脉造影和介入治疗的优越性。
- Objective to approach advantages of coronary arteriography and intervention treatment through radial and femoral arteries .
- 但为了分析斑块,该设备必须被放置在导管末端,插入腹股沟的动脉,并伸入冠状动脉。
- But to analyze plaque , the device has to be deployed on the end of a catheter inserted into an artery in the groin and snaked into the coronary arteries .
- 拉直、弯曲、摧毁静脉的手术被称为venoplasty,这与心绞痛等心脏病的治疗方法是几乎一致的。
- The operation to straighten out and puff up crooked and collapsed veins , called venoplasty , is almost identical to cardiac angioplasty-a common treatment for diseased coronary arteries .