- 也拉府咔邦县官员和当地军警前往现场勘查时,武装分子引爆了另一枚土制炸弹,咔邦县县长助理和一名士兵当场死亡,4名士兵受伤。
- Yala carbazole state and local police and county officials to the scene investigation , the militants detonated a homemade bomb another , carbazole , assistant state county magistrate and a soldier were killed and four soldiers were wounded .
- 古时候,有两个人外乡人到衙门里找县官打官司,都一口咬定对方抢了自己的孩子。
- Ancient times , asks the county magistrate some two person some other place person to the yamen in to bring a lawsuit , all stuck to what one has said opposite party to snatch own child .
- 县长与议员的任期多久?
- How long do the magistrate and the county councilors serve ?