- 在旧约和新约中,都用婚姻关系来代表基督和子民之间温柔而神圣的结合,这子民就在髑髅地用重价买来的赎民。
- In both the old and the new testament the marriage relation is employed to represent the tender and sacred union that exists between christ and his people , the redeemed ones whom he has purchased at the cost of calvary .
- 文摘:介绍了一种新颖的三维真实感流动模拟技术,分析了它与传统方法的区别及所具有的优点,同时讨论了实现该技术所要解决的关键问题,并给出了解决方法。
- Abstract : this paper mtoduces a new3-dimension reality plastic injection nolding flow simulation method , analyses the difference between it and old method and describes the advantage of the new one . The paper also describes the key problems of the new method . And brin up the resolvent .
- 合作伙伴及兄弟单位纷纷发来贺电,恭祝浩丰公司辞旧迎新,蓬勃发展,开辟农业新篇章。
- The partners and the brother units sent the congratulatory telegram respectfully congratulated the company discarding the old for the new , developing vigorously and opening a new chapter of agriculture .