- 1965年阿奇比写到:“我觉得英语可以承载我的非洲经历的重量。但是它必须要作为一种新英语,始终与它的母国保持密切联系但同时发生变化来适应非洲土壤。”
- In 1965 achebe wrote : " I feel that the english language will be able to carry the weight of my african experience . But it will have to be a new english , still in full communion with its ancestral home but altered to suit its new african surroundings . "
- 在叙利亚首都大马士革,穆罕默德(abumohammed)家世代居住的家园如今只剩下两间土坯建造的小屋和几棵无花果树、枇杷树和桑树。
- All that remains of abu mohammed 's ancestral home here in syria 's capital are two small adobe brick rooms and a few fig , loquat and mulberry trees .
- 这个故事结局很悲惨,一位好医生被冠以叛国罪而处死,卡罗琳马蒂尔德被流放到英国君主制度祖先的家乡汉诺威。
- The story ended badly , with the good doctor put to death as a traitor and caroline mathilde exiled to hanover , the british monarchy 's ancestral home .