- 两个相爱的玉米粒决定结婚,可是婚礼时找不到新娘了,新郎问一直跟在身边的一个爆米花,爆米花害羞地说:讨厌,人家穿的是婚纱!
- Two jade grain of rice that love each other decide to marry , but search when wedding , be less than a bride , bridegroom asks to follow in a popcorn beside all the time , popcorn says bashfully : be fed up with , what the family wears is marriage gauze !
- 一位心理学家指出,人们已经厌倦了计算机时代的生活,他们是在寻根。
- One psychologist suggests that people are fed up with the computerization of their lives - they may be searching for their roots .
- 库卓对人们认为真实的她和菲比一样昏头昏脑感到厌烦,她披露说:“人们总是慢慢和我说话,好像我只有十岁。”
- Kudrow gets fed up with being considered in real life to be as dippy as her on-screen character , phoebe . " People talk slower to me , as if I were a ten year old " , she reveals .
- 通过秘密行动和暴力制造世界事件的颠覆者在阴影中活动,憎恨白天的光亮。
- Subversives who shape world events by covert action and violence work in shadows and detest the light of day .
- 尽管大家在感情上可能很憎恨这种行为,但实际上这是一种经济机会,也是市场经济的一个逻辑,必然会有这种行为。
- Although , emotionally we would detest this kind of activity , it actually is an economic opportunity and the logic of the market economy .
- 国家资本主义发掘深层的民族主义情绪并为厌恶骚乱的现代资本主义的人们提供了精神家园。
- State capitalism taps into deep nationalist passions and offers psychic security for people who detest the hurly-burly of modern capitalism .