- 无论是福特还是其他任何厂商都没有一个高科技品牌可以与之媲美。
- Neither ford , nor any other manufacturer , has a comparable high-tech brand .
- 平台制造商的门槛尽管还没有完全消失,但却已经有所放低。”
- The manufacturer barriers have been lowered although not eliminated on other platforms . "
- 现在我们已经很难指出生产商和服务商之间的区别,而且二者之间的区别也很有限。
- It 's hard to tell the difference between a manufacturer and a service provider and the distinction is limiting .
- 她的恐惧转为了坚定的决心。
- Her fear turned to a firm resolve .
- 大公司是个错综复杂的组织。
- A big firm is a complicated organisation .
- 三得利则是一家私营的家族企业。
- Suntory is a private , family-run firm .
- 沃尔玛拒绝给出这家供应商的名称。
- The company declined to name the supplier .
- 越南已是美国进口服装第二大供应国。
- Vietnam is already the second-largest supplier of clothes to america .
- 新华社上周五的报道没有提及供应商的名称。
- The xinhua report on friday didn 't name the supplier .
- —豪华车生产商——甚至包括那些从未涉足过运动型多功能车(SUV)的车商——也纷纷投身生产酷越车的行列。
- -- Luxury manufacturers -- even those who never built an suv -- are jumping into crossovers .
- 如果汽车厂商瞄准了这些移动电话消费者,那么新车型可能会很快热卖。
- New models can quickly take off in sales if their manufacturers target such mobile consumers .
- Facebook这款母主板允许不同厂家的芯片装在同一个插槽中。
- Facebook 's mother of all motherboards allows chips from different manufacturers to be inserted into a common slot .