- 研究人员发现他们制作的电极充放电速度可以达到现有器件的100倍以上,同时保持同样多的能量。
- The researchers found that their electrode can charge and discharge up to 100 times faster than existing devices while holding the same amount of energy .
- 他们说榕屏厂从2001年开始就采取措施,处理该问题,现在的排放水平已降到政府标准以下。
- They said rongping has taken steps to rectify the problem since 2001 and discharge levels are now within government standards .
- 研究者们还发现即使放电电弧已经产生,他们也可以让它半路改道,也就是说他们可以让闪电转向。
- The team found they could pull this off even after the discharge was already on its way , meaning they could divert the path of lightning .
- 运送农产品的超载车辆不会被勒令卸货,对司机的罚款也比较轻。
- Overloaded vehicles carrying farm produce have not been required to unload and drivers have been given lighter fines .
- 印度,孟买:女劳工们正在港口等待着渔船归来后卸鱼。
- Mumbai , india : labourers wait for boats to unload fish at a harbour
- 比如富士通本想卸掉亏损不断的硬盘业务这个包袱,但最近却全资控股了一家销售电脑的合资企业来帮助进入电脑相关的服务领域。
- Fujitsu , for example , hopes to unload its loss-making hard-disk business , but it recently took full control of a joint-venture to sell computers as part of a push into computer-related services .
- 移除钟面和机械结构。
- Remove clock face and mechanism .
- 但几乎没有一家工厂消除二氧化碳的排放。
- But almost none of them remove carbon dioxide .
- 但要求移除他的肖像的做法是错误的。
- But the demand to remove his portrait is wrong .
- 能让你自动下马的水深现在被增加了。
- The depth at which you have to be in water to dismount has been significantly raised .
- 她一直来到前面走廊口,也没下马,这时正在看落日的思嘉和媚兰才走下台阶去迎接她。
- She rode up to the front porch but did not dismount , and scarlett and melanie , who had been watching the sunset , went down the steps to meet her .
- 那两个戴盔甲的人都想将对方打下马。
- The two men in armor each tried to dismount the other .
- 急于脱手未售出公寓的开发商降低了房价。
- Prices have been cut by developers anxious to offload unsold apartments .
- 如果将为远程执行而卸载此订阅的代理程序,就必须指定卸载服务器。
- The offload server must be specified if the agent for this subscription is to be offloaded for remote execution .
- 现在,使用这种非常易于定制的新安全特性,可以轻松为数据服务器提供这样的功能。
- It is now easy to offload this capability to the data server using this very customizable new security feature .
- 有些机械工程师花时间拆卸机器以了解最初它们是如何组装起来的。
- Some mechanical engineers spend their time disassembling machines to see how they were originally put together .
- 拆卸及重装表头时,关闭电源,释放压力,并将变送器移至安全区域。
- Always turn off power , release pressure and remove a transmitter to non-hazardous area before disassembling and reassmbling an indicator .
- 武装病毒武装的病毒努力去妨碍分析者核查其代码病毒可以用各种的方法来做追踪,分解,逆向工程师其更难的代码。
- Armored virus an armored virus tries to prevent analysts from examining its code.the virus may use various methods to make tracing , disassembling and reverse engineering its code more difficult .